What America Thinks

Many would comment, and not without merit, that today’s post title is an oxymoron. Two reasons would be that first, Americans don’t think as they have had their brains numbed by social media and garbage TV. Second, America is no longer a single entity so it has multiple thoughts about every topic.

In terms of a topic near and dear to me, we have seen much coverage (and in my opinion, inappropriate legitimization) of pro so-called Palestinian protests. What do Americans really think about the situation? Via this Why Evolution Is True post comes the results of a Harvard/Harris poll whose results might surprise you. Here are two graphs that show some of those results.



If these sentiments really reflect the opinion of Americans, then that is another piece of evidence in favor of the hypothesis that US “mainstream media” and social media are biased against Israel. In terms of the latter I would blame foreign government infiltration.

(By the way, as I write this at 5:30 AM Arizona time, all search engines seem to be off line. WTF!)


Bill Maher is just one American and I confess I don’t watch his show and will not buy his new book. However, this excerpt from one of his monologues rings very true to me:


America is a country whose children score low in math and science but off the charts in self-esteem. A study of eight developed countries found that U.S. students were dead last in math skills but number one in confidence in math skills, even though they suck at it. Yes, we’re number one in thinking we’re number one.

The idea that kids have too little self-esteem is antiquated. It’s a Zombie Lie, one of those ideas that perhaps was true in the past but now is not, and yet people keep saying it. Kids now have too much self-esteem, and it’s turning them into angry, screaming grievance collectors.

All of that childhood tolerance is resulting in grown-up tyrants. It’s no wonder that by the time they get to college, just having to listen to an opinion they don’t agree with is considered an act of “violence.” This is what happens when no one ever loses and everyone gets a prize. You can run the wrong way on the field and score five goals for the other team, and you’re still a winner. Even though you’re actually a big fucking loser. No wonder today’s NBA players give each other high fives when they miss a foul shot.

We tell our children they don’t have to fix their flaws, because it’s the world’s job to accept everything about them and love it. Like they say on reality shows, the most important thing is just “you doing you.” But what if “you” is a big asshole?


Even though some might say my viewpoint is irrelevant because my wonderful wife and I don’t have children, I have long believed that much which plagues the developed world is due to bad and/or absent parenting. That’s my story and I know I am not the only person who feels that way.


This Why Evolution Is True post is titled, “Will DEI be dismantled this week in the University of North Carolina System?” Here is an excerpt from a Substack column cited in the post; yes, the author is not completely objective, but that doesn’t mean he’s mostly wrong, either.


On Wednesday, the system’s governing board may end the controversial program that institutionalizes bias and prejudice based on neo-Marxist principles and falsehoods.

. . .UNC appears to be joining a group of schools that repudiate the institutionalized bias of “DEI.”

The UNC Board of Governors oversees the entire UNC system. It is expected to vote on a measure this week that would reverse and replace its DEI policy.

This follows an April vote by the Board’s five-person committee on University Governance to dismantle DEI offices.

Last week, UNC Chapel Hill’s Board of Trustees diverted $2.3 million to Public Safety from DEI, as the campus has been embroiled in Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments.


The vote will actually occur today. As regular readers know, to me DEI stands for Deny Excellent Individuals. My friend and former neighbor MB has a better interpretation: Didn’t Earn It.

Woke identity politics want everyone to be judged solely by group affiliation(s) and never by individual traits or accomplishments. Sorry, but that’s a pile of shit and a road to ruin.


Wish me luck as I take the F-Type to a shop today to, hopefully, get the TPMS sorted out.




2 thoughts on “What America Thinks

  1. “All of that childhood tolerance is resulting in grown-up tyrants.”

    There is some possible hope for the newest generation coming of age now, there seem to be more than a few that are NOT all about some of the BS going on. If you look at the percentage of students “protesting”, versus those that aren’t, it’s pretty low. And a large percentage of those protestors are not actual students. Plus a large number of high school grads are passing on college and going into trades, which the country dearly needs. Many are skipping the tattoos and face jewelry and spending on something more worthwhile. Now I have nothing against tats and an earring, I have both. But, I can wear a short sleeve shirt and nobody can see a single tattoo I have, the earring is a small diamond post. However, if someone comes for a job interview and they look like they fell face first into a fishing tackle box, and/or have a purple unicorn tattoo in the middle of their forehead, they should probably head to Starbucks to try to find employment because they WON’T be working for us. Now it’s possible we might be missing out on a good employee, but I doubt it. If they need so much attention they feel they have to decorate themselves to that extent, chances are good they will need the same attention as an employee.

    Perhaps I’m grasping at straws, or seeing things as I hope they are. But the alternative is pretty bleak considering everything else that’s going off the rails these days.


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